Summary in brief

Highlights from 2017

Opportunities rising

Creating strategic synergies

  • Results from a successfully performed and highly expected first clinical PhaseI/II-study were presented during the fall 2017, proving that Immunose™ FLU is both safe, effective and generate the desired double protection.
  • Two additional patent applications were approved during this year. Four patent families, each of which has gained patent grant in at least one country, now protect the first influenza candidate, Immunose™FLU, until 2031 and 2033.
  • Visiting Partnering Conferences and speaking at Scientific Meetings, the company has noticed an increased interest for alternative methods of vaccination in general and our development progress, based on the technology platform Endocine™, in particular – positioning Eurocine Vaccines as experts at the forefront of nasal vaccination.
  • With high efficiency and well conducted operations Eurocine Vaccines continues to manage invested capital wisely, with a low fixed cost and high value creation.
  • By strengthening the organisation with Sandra Jeldes Granstrand, a senior and experienced Project Leader of CMC[1], and Kia Bengtsson, a highly merited Director of Clinical Development, management of product quality and the following steps of clinical development is secured in-house.
  • Eurocine Vaccines technology continues to render high interest among investors and potential partners. CEO Hans Arwidsson and/or CSO Anna-Karin Maltais attended as many as 13 financial, scientific and partnering meetings where they presented the company, its product line, strategy and vision. Two more are planned in November.

See list of activities performed during year 2017 =>

Financial figures and facts can be found in our;
Annual Report,  
or latest Quarterly Report, 

[1] Chemistry Manufacturing and Control

With the success of the recent study a next step towards our mission can be taken with great confidence, and at the same time open up for a business opportunity along the road.

Not only will our following clinical study be conducted in a larger population, but a population with a weaker immune system – the elderly. Aged and children have a weak immune system in common, which requires an adjuvant for the vaccine to create the proper protection.

Performing our next clinical study in an elderly population is expected to provide us with valuable data and a unique knowledge on our path towards the vision to protect the youngest children against influenza.

But not only.

Eurocine Vaccines will evaluate the possibility to introduce Immunose™FLU as influenza vaccine targeted towards the elderly population, provided the results from the study to be positive, which is an important and growing market segment.

Even though several vaccines exist in this segment, the nasal technology Endocine™ offers advantages in the form of [2]Double Protection, a needle free and cost-effective administration for the health sector. Unique qualities that open new business opportunities.

Follow our progress here or at

[2] Nasal vaccination enables both mucosal and systemic response. Read more =>

Patented Technology

A platform for built for more

Several vaccines can be developed using the patented technology platform Endocine™, of which the influenza candidate Immunose™FLU is the main priority, to be administrated cost effectively and needle free.

Hear Anna-Karin Maltais, Chief Scientific Officer, explain the potential of the technology platform and how it can enable development of more natural, efficient and cost-effective vaccines.

Also, learn why a better influenza vaccine is needed for younger children in this video.

Further interest? Please find a list of publications about the adjuvant technology here => or Read more about nasal vaccination for children here =>

Also, we encourage you to contact us regarding a meeting at the various international conferences. Have a look in our Calendar to find a suitable date for an appointment.

Financial Advisor

Redeye  | Senior Advisor: Andreas Kvist

Latest analysis and reports can be found here: =>